American Heroes……


Yesterday, here in Jackson County, WV, the tragic deaths of two American Heroes was narrowly avoided.

Just after 4:30 am, a tractor trailer driver, bringing potatoes to hungry citizens, jack knifed on I-77.

This was followed immediately by another tractor trailer, carrying beans to the people, T-boning the first truck.

Both drivers suffered only minor injuries.

Hero?“, you may ask.  ” How are truck drivers heroes?”

I’ll tell ya–Congress is fighting over whether or not to invest in the infrastructure of this country.  Meanwhile, roads and bridges get worse every year.  In addition, the ultra-wealthy are paying less taxes and typical-income Americans are getting poorer and poorer.

No more Steak and Lobster for dinner.  Many Americans are made to live on simple staples like potatoes and beans.

And, as the roads get worse, it is the unsung heroes, working long hours, under grueling conditions, paying exorbitant prices for fuel to fatten the coffers of oil and gas companies, bringing us our potatoes and beans, that allow Americans to eat.

How can anyone question the heroism of our truck drivers?  Better yet, how can anyone question the heroic nature of all working class Americans, working or looking for work, that keep this country going, for the wealthy and poor alike. 

LaVerna and Tom Vickers




Labor Pains…


Yes folks, I just heard a marvelous rumor!  Jesus is coming to our neck of the woods really soon.  So is Muhammad, Kalki, the White Buffalo Calf Woman, The Buddha and all of them great Spiritual Leaders of ages past.

When exactly?  I’m not certain of the date and time, but I do know it must be awfully soon.

How do I know?

With all the Bad Gunky going on around the world– wars, phenomenal greed, hatred, bigotry, sexism, fanaticism and all the other yucky business going on, it must be the death throes of the old age of Dogma and Intolerance, and the birth of a New Age of Peace and Love.

New Age, you ask?

Look at the polarization of the “Old Power” folks and how hard they are fighting to keep the old ways alive.

Is this the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius?  It sure looks like it!  And boy, am I ready!

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

Pretty Please….


Two house cats were wandering in the woods. Patches was an ordinary feline. Nothing fancy, ordinary looking in appearance, but obviously a well-loved companion to her humans.

Guinivere’s appearance was straight from a piece of Egyptian artwork. Sleek, elegant, not overly thin, and having the grace and carriage that definitely makes heads turn, both feline and human.

Now, alongside the woods, some human, apparently having just cleaned out their cupboards, had left a small feast of tuna and canned salmon, for whatever four-legged may happen to come about.

The first cat to find the morsels walked up to them and began to indulge in the lovely find. Shortly, the second cat approached and, upon doing so, the first cat raised her head and began purring, twitched her tail with all sincerity and friendliness and attempted to rub noses with the second cat.

There was plenty of food for both, and the first cat was delighted to have company with which to share the feast.

The second cat bristled its fur, glared at the first cat, and hissed.

Now, does it come as a surprise that the first cat was, indeed, Guinivere?

Perhaps, pretty isn’t always only on the outside.

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

Defending West Virginia…


On the heels of the West Virginia primary, and the overwhelming vote for convicted felon and nutcase, Keith Judd, I thought it appropriate to defend our beautiful state.

Now, West Virginia IS the second poorest state in the Union, at least by income measures.  There is a little bigotry.  Some of the people are a little bit on the “hickish” side.  And, sometimes elections have been a little bit “off” by legal standards.


On the positive side, when we moved to our new town, we were welcome like nowhere else.  One week after the movers came, our neighbor across the road brought us an apple pie from Bob Evans (she apologized for not baking us a cake herself, due to being busy).  A few days later, another neighbor brought us a zucchini bread.  Then the following week, the lady next door brought us peanut butter fudge and apple butter (best doggone fudge we’ve ever had).

The husband of the lady who brought us the zucchini bread called over to our son, John, several days later.  He asked John if he liked fishing.  ” Yes, Sir!” John replied.  “I’ve got a boat you can use, if you like”, our neighbor advised, then walked away.  A few minutes later, he called John across the road to his garage.  He had gone to clean out the boat and told John to bring it home.

John responded, “Gee, thanks!  Just let me know when you want me to bring it back”.   Our lovely neighbor told John not to bring it back.  “It’s yours.”

All of this within three weeks of living here.

Break down on the side of the road in West Virginia–you will most definitely have several people stop to help you.

Run out of food in West Virginia–don’t worry.  People share here.

What about bigotry?  Occasionally we will here racial slurs, and we really don’t like it.  Yet we’ve also heard a whole lot of West Virginians heatedly defend friends and neighbors, who happen to be minorities.

You see, West Virginia is a very monochromatic state.   Diversity IS lacking, not so much because of exclusion, but rather the resistance of “outsiders” to want to live here.

Sure, our standard of living may be significantly behind the rest of the Country.  However, our Quality of Life cannot be matched!

So, the next time you hear a story of ballot tampering, Red Neck boozing or felon candidates from West Virginia, just remember, you heard it here….

There’s no place like Almost Heaven.  There’s no place like West Virginia.  There’s no place like HOME!!!

LaVerna and Tom Vickers





Why Haven’t We Learned???

Kent State-May 4, 1970


Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming.  We’re finally on our own.  This summer I hear the drumming, four dead in Ohio…. 

On May 4, 1970, I was 13 days old.  There was little for me to worry about on that day, other than peeing, pooping and eating.

Civil Rights were being fought for on my behalf.  When people talked about making the world better for the next generation, well I WAS that next generation.  And here I sit, writing this blog, so much the better for the sacrifices made back then.

Vietnam ended, I went to integrated schools and I took Wood Shop with other girls and Home Ec with boys.  In high school, I learned what “gay” was, and in college, people slept with whoever they wanted.  And because of the Civil Rights fighters of the previous generation, all of it was, well, simply NORMAL.

Now, I have a confession to make.  When I was a little girl, I had a brief fantasy about wanting to grow up and get arrested protesting, like the heroes before me did.  I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to have worn flowers and sandals and to have been in jail, fighting for something you really believed in.

But, the fights were over.  The issues, for the most part, had been resolved!

Sure, Tom and I got to speak up on behalf of gay couples getting married and raising children.  After September 11, 2001, we got to raise our voices about terrorists being yucky, but Muslims as a whole being pretty cool.  There have been a few too many wars for our taste, and banks and corporations were participating in way too much greedy bad gunky, and we’ve spoken up about all of  that. Yet, all in all, we were ready to turn the reins over to our children to fight the battles of the next generation.

Oakland police puts U.S. Marine in critical care

Or so we thought….

One morning we woke up.  Women were being threatened with losing the choice of preventing pregnancy or ending an unwanted one. Poor people and students were losing the right to vote.  Black children were being told they needed to clean toilets in their schools to learn a work ethic.  Corporations were deemed to be people, with all of the rights that had been fought for in past generations.  Religion was being crammed down our throats, and legislation was flying all over the Country telling us we had to live “good Christian lives“, whether we were Christian or not.  (And if we were Christians, whose standards were we being forced to live by?)

We watched Occupy protesters being pepper sprayed and Law Enforcement all over the world bringing guns to protests.

Occupy Portland

Watching all of this, I thought about Kent State.  I was too young to remember that horrible day, I was only 13 days old, but I’ve watched it on documentaries and read about it in school.  Tom remembers that day, vividly, and couldn’t believe it was happening, AGAIN.  American law enforcement maiming American citizens.

Oh, when will they ever learn?  When will they ever learn?…

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

French Fries Or Potato Chips???


Ever wonder why a sandwich tastes so much better when you have either french fries or potato chips?

I think I know the answer–it’s the contrast.

The only question, then, is which one?

Potato chips take virtually no effort. You reach into a bag,  grab a few chips and put them on your plate. The crunchy, salty, almost addictive nature of a potato chip can seem like the perfect balance to a bland, boring sandwich.

Then there’s the french fry. Sure it takes a lot more effort to prepare, but you can dip them in ketchup, smother them in chili and cheese, put any kind of seasoned salt on them, the possibilities are almost as limitless as the people who choose fries.

So, why then, is there a need for a choice?

Well, I suppose you can do without potatoes all together, but why?

Sometimes the simplicity of potato chips make them hard to resist. Instant gratification in a bag. Sure they’re a little unfulfilling, but hey, they’re easy, right? Maybe there not quite as warm and versatile as a french fry, but there so doggone easy! They taste good! They’re generally sold in nice looking packages. If you don’t read the nutritional information, they seem to be the ideal, effort free snack.

But, alas, there’s the french fry.

They’re warm.  Compliment most any meal (not just sandwiches).  They can be seasoned with just about anything. The best part is how fulfilling they can be. Some people even eat fries as a meal in themselves. Top ‘em with a little substance and french fries stand alone.

My Grandma made me french fries when I was a little girl.  All that work – peeling potatoes, cutting them up, frying them in that special pan. Life sure was good when Grandma made french fries, in that special way, only Grandmothers can make ‘em.

So, is the preference for potato chips or french fries innate? Do we learn it? I’m not sure.

Although that “perfect” or at least “just right for me” french fry has been a bit elusive, I still find myself seeking it.

Maybe not just like Grandma’s, but at least close. Perhaps I’ll find it someday. Perhaps not. However, I reckon I’ll continue the search until I find it. Although, in all honesty I must admit that the occasional potato chip can be pretty good. Maybe even a whole bunch of them.

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

Calling ALL Zealots…


I once heard a debate at a Unitarian Universalist meeting between a devout atheist and a Wiccan practioner. The argument was, in a nutshell, Atheism vs. Spirituality.

Our esteemed atheist used as his punctuating statement that if it weren’t for religion, many of the wars and atrocities in human history would not have been committed.

I wanted to jump up and shout, “Religion isn’t the problem, you moron, fanaticism is the root evil of atrocity. Do away with fanatics and many of humanity’s ills might go away.”

So, how about we Love Mongerers gather up all the fanatics of the world. We tell them that whoever has the largest showing wins. Then, after they are all rounded up, we shoot every last one of them in the head. BANG! All our problems solved!!!


Ok, ok, I have another idea. How about those of us who realize how dangerous fanaticism is simply make a decision to boycott fanaticism wherever we encounter it. If we here someone using racist terms, we walk away. If we are at a church, synagogue, mosque or any religious meeting and someone starts spewing fanaticism, we walk out. If there is a business that supports fanatical folks, we don’t use their products.

I know, I know it’s nearly impossible to avoid some things, like oil for instance, that supports fanatics, but riding a bike or a horse might help.

Truly, I’m not exactly sure how to follow through on a fanaticism boycott totally, but I’m sure if we think about it, there are things we can do.

Perhaps most important of all is to keep check on our own personal zealous idealisms. Maybe if each one of us realizes how evil fanaticism can be and lets go of it on our own, then peace can begin to be realized.

After all, one person really could move a mountain, one bucketful at a time.

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

In Defense Of Mormons…(No, Really!)


There is a whole lot of press right now regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, AKA Mormons.

Mitt Romney is running a presidential campaign, degrading women and the poor (did I mention that anyone who isn’t a millionaire is technically “poor”?).  Glenn Beck is spewing anti-welfare, anti-women rhetoric as well.  Then we have this Neo-Nazi nutcase in Arizona who just slaughtered his family, JT Ready.  And he has been closely linked to another Mormon, anti-immigration legislator, Russell Pearce.

The Church itself has been involved in anti-gay marriage legislature and Mormon-run government agencies have run amok in Utah, persecuting polygamist families (The Brown family of Sister Wives fame, for example).

I have a secret…I was raised in the Mormon Church.

Please don’t hold it against me.  I have little regard for The Church itself.  There are many things good about The Church, yet I find some of the beliefs and attitudes to be nothing short of archaic.

So why defend Mormons?

My background is Mormon.  I am NOT a Mormon.  However, having grown up in The Church, I’ve got to say that, although I definitely do not agree with the doctrines, beliefs and politics of the LDS Church, I DID find Mormons, the members of the Church, to be (mostly) wonderful people.

The Mormon Church has a welfare program that helped keep me fed as a child.  Our rent was often paid by the Mormon Church, when my mother couldn’t afford it.  A Mormon woman came to our apartment, when I was a teen, and helped get it clean.  One of my Mormon friends from childhood is a therapeutic foster mom to kids who need a loving home.   The Mormon father of three sisters, whom I still love dearly, was a veterinarian.  He took care of my dog, often times when my mother couldn’t pay him.  Another Mormon family took me in as a teenager, when my mother couldn’t manage to keep a job or an apartment.

Many Mormons I’ve known have been some of the most gracious, kindest, most generous people in my early life.

I cannot defend the likes of Romney, Beck, Ready or Pearce.  I cannot defend an organization that claims polygamy as it’s “highest law”, yet discriminates against polygamist families, because it makes them “look bad”.  I cannot defend a church that practices policies and politics of egregious discrimination against anyone (gays?, African Americans?, ???).

But I don’t feel right, having been raised in the Mormon Church, not defending it’s wonderful members, who have made my childhood, and hence, my LIFE, much better than it would have been without them.

Perhaps the lovely Mormons will ultimately rub enough of their kind and generous influences on the Mormon politicians and Church leaders, to allow the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to boast of a reputation worthy of it’s members and not it’s politics.

Just a thought…

LaVerna and Tom Vickers

The Secret to Happiness. No S#*T!…

We would be remiss in our duties as a human beings if we didn’t share the above-titled secret with you, so, here goes…

















Did you get that? No? Well, here’s a second chance…

Tom  and LaVerna Vickers

It Aint MY Fault….


Definition of COEXIST (Merriam-Webster Free Dictionary)
intransitive verb
: to exist together or at the same time
: to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy
— co·ex·is·tence noun
— co·ex·is·tent adjective


Let’s say there are two sisters.  They aren’t quite twins, but they are very close in age.  Step-sisters perhaps.   We’ll call them Sue and Jane.

So anyway,  Sue and Jane start a business together, dog sitting.  They are pretty good money and having a big time.

Well, one lovely afternoon, they decide to let the dogs out to exercise and potty.  The problem is, the yard gate had been left open. When ol’ Fido and Fifi  start running out the gate and toward the road, Sue looks at Jane and says, “I didn’t leave it open” and Jane responds, “Well, it wasn’t my fault!”.  As the two sisters stand there arguing, Fido and Fifi run out in the road just as a big ol’ Hummer is driving past.

I reckon you know what happened to Fido and Fifi.  BANG, SQUAT, SQUISH, ALL GONE LITTLE PUPPY DOGS.

The girls go out of business, Fido and Fifi’s humans are heart broken, and the driver of the SUV has nightmares for the next umpteen years.

alternate ending…

Sue and Jane let the dogs out and see the gate open.  Fido and Fifi are running toward the gate.  Sue takes a running slide and grabs the dog’s collars.  Meanwhile Jane runs and shuts the gate.

The girls are still in business, several years later, having expanded and living high and driving cars of their own, bought with their own money.  Fido and Fifi had puppies, one of which placed in the Westminster dog show and is making their humans a small fortune in breeding fees, and the owner of the Hummer, not having nightmares for years, got some sense and is currently driving a greener car and donating money to the Humane Society.

And it all starts with the idea….

Who cares who “fault” it is, just FIX it!!!

LaVerna and Tom Vickers